
Soul Goes With The Mind!

Prahlad’s perfection was – he was always thinking of the Supreme Lord. He wasn’t just in a state of meditation, neutral. He was doing things. But his mind was always upon the Supreme Lord whether it was joyful or dangerous. He had lots of situations which were dangerous, but his mind didn’t go from the […]
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Serving the Holy Name

Our life, our mission, our existence in Bhakti Yoga in practicing Krsna Consciousness is to awaken our forgotten, our dormant relationship with Krsna in its fullness and the primary means for the mood of serving Krsna by which we can be in our relationship with Krsna is the Holy Name. So specifically, the Holy
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Clarity of The Goal!

Teaching from Chiatanya Mahaprabhu is – the living entity , part and parcel of The Supreme living entity belongs with Krishna and some small group of the living entities turned their attention away from Krishna. Sanskrit term by Jiva Gosvami is ‘Bahirmukha’ (We turned our attention away from
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