
Krishna’s help is beyond self doubt!

Eagerness to be in service to Krishna, carries one beyond that self-doubt, because it’s not you, it’s Krishna is carrying you to Him. That’s bhakti. If you don’t have shelter in Krishna, you don’t have that extra help.It’s on your own.You are not going to make it! Although someone may bluff and say “I made […]
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Quality Chanting

Sabda-Brahman So, there are these two sides: the broadcasting side and the receiving side. Krishna is the original broadcaster, or Narayana is the broadcaster of the Vedas, Sabda-brahman. Because of Narayana is the source, Sabda-brahman is fully spiritual. Then there are persons who have to have proper receivers
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Soul Goes With The Mind!

Prahlad’s perfection was – he was always thinking of the Supreme Lord. He wasn’t just in a state of meditation, neutral. He was doing things. But his mind was always upon the Supreme Lord whether it was joyful or dangerous. He had lots of situations which were dangerous, but his mind didn’t go from the […]
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Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

Four steps, 1) Gratitude journal – every day ideally sometime during the day, ideal time is in the night before you rest, but anytime, best is if its fixed,  sometime during the day you step back enter  this mode of goodness space.instead of I have got so many things to do when the mind is […]
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Where Does Humility Begin

Humility begins when we make a sincere effort to reach reality. And then our arm doesn’t reach, it’s beyond our reach. I am very tiny, and acknowledgement of our tininess, Srila Prabhupada once said Krsna consciousness is very simple, God is very great, I am very small. Therefore I should serve HIM that is
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Serving the Holy Name

Our life, our mission, our existence in Bhakti Yoga in practicing Krsna Consciousness is to awaken our forgotten, our dormant relationship with Krsna in its fullness and the primary means for the mood of serving Krsna by which we can be in our relationship with Krsna is the Holy Name. So specifically, the Holy
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