
We do not belong to this material world

The problem with this material existence is we don’t belong to this material world. For this, the classic example   Srila Prabhupada gives is fish out of water. For us being in water is unnatural situation but for fish it is natural. You take fish out of water and give him all material things like computer, […]
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Chant one mantra at a time

Chant one mantra at a time: In our body where is the mind? We are making our mouth go Hare Krishna Hare Krishna… Mahamantra where is the mind? Often it is thinking about the past or planning about the future, but not present, be present with the Holy name. The first key in chanting is […]
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Fear and Fearlessness

Fear is one of the propensities and is one of the six gates to hell. It is an animal propensity and prominent. It is discussed in Prahalad’s prayers extensively and several times. Fear and fearlessness. So, this fearlessness position is the spiritual position, Vaikuntha position no anxiety, no fear. So, minimally
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