
How to achieve the goal?

How to achieve the goal? When you clearly define a goal, then its very easy to take steps towards the goal and conversely if a goal is not well defined, then its difficult to take steps towards which is not something well defined. An example of that is what has been achieved in U.S.A, Canada, […]
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What does Mukunda name signifies?

The Sruthi’s have become exhausted by continually searching for the lotus feet of Lord Mukunda, why specific Mukunda name is used? What Mukunda signifies? You read Bhagvadgita and in the early chapter and in the first chapter Arjuna address Krishna in a number of different ways Hrishikesh and so on. Each
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What does wholesome means?

We had little session on Wholesome and unwholesome, some one was asking me for some of the examples because that’s an important term, you know there is a big store called Whole foods right? You heard that place and there they promote our foods are wholesome and unwholesome means foods that have
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How to build character in children?

The activities which we do with the children will help them becoming fixed in the virtue and It is very direct, it’s just hearing the past times of the personality of Godhead, it cleanses the heart and it lifts the character just by hearing, they may not understand the stories in the way just I […]
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