
Perfection of Chanting

When asked about Perfection of chanting, Maharaj gives an anecdote of HDG Srila Prabhupada. He says Perfection of chanting is when we hear the sound and immediately our mind is drawn to Krishna, and there is insatiable eagerness to hear about Krishna. He talks about different forms of sankirtan.
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Reversals Reveal Our Shelter

We have reversals in our devotional service, here is Devaki, she is qualified to have Krsna as her son, and six children are killed and one is like taken from her womb even before birth. How inopportune, what misfortune. Any reversals that we may have, how does it compare to that, yet she is fully […]
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How Bhakti dissolves different bodies?

If you are an ayurvedic physician, you will know if food is digested or not and how all kinds of different parts of the body broke down due to indigestion and will result in generation of toxin.Toxin will go through different parts of body leading to different diseases. We don’t know how fire of digestion
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