Practical actions in devotion

01 Jul

Practical actions in devotion

After Shukadev Gosvami spoke, Maharaj Parikshit being the personality that he was; was really exited to hear more! That if subject matter is Krishna then please deliver Krishna Katha because Shukdev Gosvami, you can do it. You can do it because you are not only perfectly learned in all of the Vedas; you have realized everything and not only you have realized everything, you are living accordingly! You are a perfect devotee! And because you are perfect devotee, the Personality of Godhead treats you like His equal! You are as good as the Personality of Godhead!Because the Personality of Godhead empowers you in that way…more nectar about the Personality of Godhead! So then after hearing from Maharaj Parikshit, Shukadev Gosvami doesn’t right away begin speaking; rather he fixes his mind with absolute concentration upon the Personality of Godhead in a mood that says to the lord- please enable me to be Your instrument, please give me the strength and the capacity and the purity to do what I am being asked to do and that’s his qualification as a devotee. He doesn’t act in a mood of independence. He acts only in this absolute mood of dependence.Absolutely dependent! And that’s his nature, that;s his qualification, that’s his nature of pure devotion!