Chant one mantra at a time

21 Sep

Chant one mantra at a time

Chant one mantra at a time:

In our body where is the mind? We are making our mouth go Hare Krishna Hare Krishna… Mahamantra where is the mind? Often it is thinking about the past or planning about the future, but not present, be present with the Holy name. The first key in chanting is chant one mantra at a time. Chant the mantra which you are presently chanting and not the one you are going to chant and not the one you have already chanted and the next… Giriraj maharaja says that when you have kirtan focus on the first syllable of the mantra because if you are not present with the first syllable then you cannot be present with the rest of the mantra. And If you are present then you are more likely to be present with the rest of the mantra. So, start with each mantra, each first syllable, HA-RE KRI-SHNA so that means the first syllable. Be present. That’s the message. Bring your consciousness where God is reaching out, stretching His hand, His long arm to the atom and we are stretching to reach out to sounds of the Krishna’s name. Be present. Are we conscious about our sadhana? The only remedy against unknowing offences is conscious practice of what we are doing in this humble introspective mood.