Diplomacy VS Crookedness

05 Jun

Diplomacy VS Crookedness

Diplomacy VS Crookedness

It depends on diplomacy. Diplomacy can be healthy or toxic. Diplomacy is manipulative in toxic way, but diplomacy can be discriminating. That is to say, austerity of speech according to what Srila Prabhupada explains in Bhagavad-gita is – speaking the truth pleasingly.   So, pleasingly part may be considered diplomacy in a healthy sense.

I will give two examples,

1) When Vidura comes back to Hastinapura after having been away for so long, and he does not report to them that the Yadu dynasty has annihilated themselves. Because it would be very hurtful for them. He doesn’t want to be the bearer of bad news. Because, the bearer of bad news. Some bad feeling goes to the person who is the bearer of bad news. So, he just does not say it. He does not want to hurt their feelings and he does not want to be the recipient of their bad feelings. Its diplomacy but its in a good sense.

2) Here is another example of diplomacy. After Bhima comes back from being with the Nagas and reports to them what the Nagas told what Duryodhana had done to try to kill him He is ready to just on the word of Yudhisthir annihilate all the Kauravas finished with his club. Now he was stronger than ten thousand elephants because of Naga nectar.  With diplomacy, Yudhisthir says “now is not the right time” and gives his reasons.

So there is the proper use of being discriminating about what to do and what not to do what to say and what not say, with the higher purpose in mind not manipulation purpose in mind.  It has its place. So, we are discriminating how we say, what we say. and one who is not discriminating about how they say what they say It damages their Krishna Consciousness and their relationships in Krishna Consciousness. Because, as far as they are concerned “I just speak the truth, I just speak the truth”.  Whether it is truth or not the truth is one question. And how they are speaking it is another question. The dirty sense of diplomacy is not the same as proper discrimination of how to say or do things.