How to Remove Negative Emotions

26 Oct

How to Remove Negative Emotions

In one city, we had a four-part weekend seminar on overcoming negative emotions because we all have some. We have some positive ones and we have negative ones and the negative ones can be debilitating depending. Meditation helps move one from those, to overcome. Not necessarily the circumstance that is outside of your control, but how you respond to those circumstances outside of your control and dwell on them and become crippled by circumstances that are outside of your control. And just a Bhagavad-Gita message, this is comparable to the mode of goodness. One of the… The biggest topic in the whole of Bhagavad-Gita is the modes of nature. And those who are not familiar with the Bhagavad-Gita, it’s very simple. Just like there are three primary colors, and by mixing the primary colors you can make any color. You just have to know how to mix them. In New York, where I lived for many years, there is a paint company called Pintchiks. You can take a chip from your wall of any color and they put it in this machine and it can make you an exact replica of that color so you don’t have to paint all of your wall you just get a can of paint, expensive. They just know how to mix to get a certain color. Similarly, with mixing of colors also the modes of nature. There’s three primary modes of nature, Goodness, that’s this higher consciousness mode, passion, that’s in the middle range, and ignorance, it’s in the lower range. Goodness maintains, passion creates, and ignorance destroys. Of all the variety of this world, of plants and trees, and people, and personalities, and stuff! It’s influenced by, under the grip of, those modes of nature.