Soul Goes With The Mind!

06 Apr

Soul Goes With The Mind!

Prahlad’s perfection was – he was always thinking of the Supreme Lord. He wasn’t just in a state of meditation, neutral. He was doing things. But his mind was always upon the Supreme Lord whether it was joyful or dangerous. He had lots of situations which were dangerous, but his mind didn’t go from the Supreme Lord. Nor it was joyful that his mind go, he just was fixed in remembrance of Supreme Lord. And that’s because he was attached! What you are attached to is where your mind goes…what you are attached to is where your mind goes. Exactly what Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita-

Whatever your mind is fixed on, that’s where you go! It is not only at the time of death, it’s now! Here we are! Because the mind is set fixed on ‘hey let’s go to the program’, so here we are. The mind is like a ‘yantra’, machine; in fact the whole of material nature, ‘prakruti’ is like a machine, on which the soul is being carried. Just like we got in the car and we just set there…60 miles an hour we were moving, but we were just sitting there! Because, the ‘yantra’, the machine was moving 60 miles an hour. So when the mind goes, the soul goes with the mind.