What is the purpose of creation?

07 Jan

What is the purpose of creation?

What is the purpose of creation? or Why creation?

In this purport there is actually two main purposes but one of those two main purpose is the living entity has misused the freewill, and they have rebellious spirit against Krishna, just to rectify that the entire purpose of God is to rectify the living entities tendency to enjoy without the Lord. That is the tendency. If you recall Prabhupada was speaking in one lecture in San Francisco in 1969 about crushing the seed of material absorption. We spoke yesterday evening about nirvana and that is nirvana- crushing the seed of material absorption. You cannot go beyond nirvana, to the spiritual world till you have the seed. Pure devotees are engaged in pure devotional service. And the seed is the living being is the independent enjoy er separate from Krishna and the things are Krishna’s. So, that is the tendency. So, crush the seed. So, the circumstances may be given in our life for that purpose, but one may not understand the interesting things. But there is one in principle. The particular punishment given for a sinful activity is specifically designed to curtail the mentality that produce the activity. According to Buddhism suffering is due to desire but Viswanath Chakravarti Thakhur says the root cause of suffering is ignorance. The primary ignorance is ignoring Krishna. And from ignorance comes ignorant desires because there is a soul and the soul is influenced and therefore your desire is ignorant. And from ignorant desire comes ignorant activities, and from ignorant activities comes ignorant reactions. So, the verse says vipakam – reactions so the cure is take away the ignorance, ignoring Krishna.