What does wholesome means?

26 Jun

What does wholesome means?

We had little session on Wholesome and unwholesome, some one was asking me for some of the examples because that’s an important term, you know there is a big store called Whole foods right? You heard that place and there they promote our foods are wholesome and unwholesome means foods that have preservatives, pesticides and harmful stuff for your health that is unwholesome, but they claim our food is wholesome so that’s an example of our contemporary world using whole some and unwholesome, so now the distinctions between forms, we have a body and our body gets diseases, we get sick sometimes and Krishna never gets sick there is no unwholesomeness in the form of Krishna. Krishna doesn’t get old although he is old. He is eternally youthful and he doesn’t have that unwholesomeness of old age, His body doesn’t die.We commit mistakes and have four kinds of defects, but Krishna is Wholesomeness and never commits any defects and is beyond them.